About the Texas High School Coaches Education Foundation
THSCEF Mission Statement
The mission of the Texas High School Coaches Education Foundation is to develop funds from a broad range of donors including friends, businesses, corporations, foundations and trusts to provide professional education programs that will strengthen, reinforce and enhance professionalism in high school coaches throughout the state of Texas. These funds will also be used to enhance the Permanent Injury Program, Memorial Benefit Program and Benevolence Fund.
The Texas High School Coaches Education Foundation is committed to helping coaches be the best they can be for the benefit of our student athletes. Our comprehensive continuing educations program strengthens, reinforces and enhances the professionalism of coaches in Texas at both the high school and middle school levels. This program will directly affect the lives of over 1.5 million student athletes each year.
The payback will be measured in the hundreds of thousands of young student athletes who, because of their participation in high school athletics, will experience daily victories discovering within themselves the ability to overcome adversity, to develop leadership skills, to develop winning attitudes, to be hard workers, to be a part of a team which requires sacrifice and service to others while developing into responsible and productive citizens, leaders in business, academics, government and the military.
THSCEF Purposes
Lectures, meetings and publications that provide instruction, training and counseling
Professional Development Certification
Technology Initiatives and Online Educational Materials
Permanent Injury Benefits Program
Memorial Benefit Program
Benevolence Fund
Specialized educational seminars conducted by experts in fields related to coaching and leadership development.
Programs to promote mentoring by seasoned coaches of younger coaches
Programs to focus on development of student athletes, that teach the importance of academic accomplishment, character development and community responsibility
Establish research and studies that will help us by providing the platform to defend high school athletics in Texas, giving us the statistical data we need to prove our worth and tell our story
Permanent Injury Program
Started in 1938, this program provides indemnity for permanent and total disability caused by injury sustained while participating in any sport sanctioned by the University Interscholastic League, which includes any game, scheduled practice or off-season athletic class under the supervision of a regularly employed coach who is a member of the THSCA. This program has since been extended to include both Private and Parochial school athletes. Injured athletes who qualify for this program are provided monthly checks for continued financial support.
Memorial Benefit Program
In 1967, this program was initiated to provide indemnity in the case of a death of a junior high or high school athlete, whose head coach of the sport in which the death occurs, is a member in good standing of the THSCA. The program currently grants $3,000.00 for the death of an athlete when said death is caused by participating in any University Interscholastic League sanctioned sport, if an accident occurs in a game, scheduled practice or off-season athletic class, under the supervision of a regularly employed coach. This program has since been extended to include both Private and Parochial student athletes. Since inception, this program has provided over $218,000 in assistance to families of deceased athletes.
Benevolence Fund
Created in 2005, the Benevolence Fund has allowed the enhancement of aid for both Permanent Injury and Memorial Benefits candidates. The fund permits the association to provide aid in hardship cases that extend beyond those covered by the current Permanent Injury and Memorial Benefit policies. Since 2005, this fund has afforded the opportunity to provide over $550,000.00 in financial assistance.
"Our Day to Shine" Campaign
To date “Our Day to Shine” has involved over 1,165 schools and raised over $721,000 for the THSCEF Benevolence Fund. The Texas High School Coaches Education Foundation has paid over $641,000 to athletes and coaches experiencing hardships.
To participate in “Our Day to Shine” schools simply designate one of the scrimmages or spring games as “Our Day to Shine” day with gate receipts (less expenses) sent to the THSCEF Benevolence Fund. Both schools participating will be recognized in the October issue of Texas Coach. This program isn’t limited to football. We have had other sports participate using one of their scrimmages as their day to shine!
Participating in “Our Day to Shine” gives our athletes, coaches and schools a great opportunity for community service as well as an opportunity to give to a worthy cause.
We would like to make the first scrimmage of the football season a traditional “Our Day to Shine”, but schools may choose the scrimmage in which they wish to participate or even their spring game.
The THSCEF Benevolence Fund will allow us as an association to help beyond our present permanent injury and memorial benefits policies that currently dictate what we can give to help student athletes with hardship cases. We encourage all schools to participate in this annual event. We have a media packet online which can be printed out. This packet will contain a press release, letter size poster which can be posted at the school or at the scrimmage, and a reporting form that must accompany your donation.
Joe Martin, Foundation Executive Director Hugh Sandifer, Foundation President
Whitney Faulkner Adam Hochfelder Sen. Lois Kolkhorst Tim Prukop Matt Wilson John Snelson
Drew Sanders Kendall Miller Glen West Libby Pacheco Brian Polk Margaret Beyer Kevin Smith
The Texas High School Coaches Education Foundation is a Section 501(c)3 non-profit, tax-exempt corporation. The Foundation is a publicly supported, tax-exempt charity. This allows donations to the Foundation to qualify for an income tax charitable deduction to the donor, as allowed by current tax laws.